Blog 1

What does it mean to network using social media? 

Networking using social media is an ever-changing concept and form of building networks. Platforms such as LinkedIn provide explicit techniques and software to establish and maintain connections socially and professionally. Social media platforms such as Instagram are also networking platforms to their core, just in a more informal and social setting. Both platforms’ foundations are built on users sharing content, which disguises networking to be more fun and engaging to users. Whether it is clearly stated, such as the LinkedIn “Connections” page, or if it is whom you follow on Instagram, social media platforms would not exist if users weren’t actively engaging with their networks and communities online. 

 How are we motivated to participate in networked publics? 

We are motivated to participate in public networks to feel included with our friends, colleagues, and others. Businesses and individuals have transitioned their entire networks and communities online to maximize outreach and growth. Many users now go to public networks to gain information on sports, politics, and finance. With an immense amount of data and information easily accessible to us, we can now teach and learn on networks, and gain useful skills to help us in our daily lives.

 What are the risks & rewards of public communications? 

Public communications and social media are full of risks and rewards. Firstly, online public communities have allowed users to reach new people, audiences, and groups like never before. Platforms enable individuals to create new friends, opportunities and even monetize their platforms to build brands. The outreach social media permits are unlike anything humanity has ever been before. The risks and downsides, however, can weigh heavily on the user’s mental and personal health. FOMO and self-consciousness become highly exaggerated in online users’ lives. Individuals constantly compare themselves to unrealistic standards and expectations other users set on the app regarding personal image and lifestyle. Continued FOMO and self-consciousness can lead to more severe effects in the user’s life, such as depression.

Aswell, individuals with large followings in public communications, such as celebrities, have a fine line when engaging with their online communities. Phenomenons such as “cancelling” can ruin individuals’ careers and lives, so users must understand how platforms and communities will respond to their online presence and voices.

1 Comment

  1. bruce song

    definetly greate overall post introducing people about networking, and the motivations behind networking. I personally thought you have a really thourough insight into how people network and why people network. I personally really felt the same when you said things about your motivations, I definetely also believe that there come a risk and reward in public communications, not only mentally it could be risk and reward, people could also have physical reward like delivery and physical risk such as exposing your location to random people when you are setting up your delivery address. Overall I really think it is an insightful article on how social medias would work.

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